
Showing posts from 2014


This year, our elected officials, once again, outdid themselves in lack of performance. For the year 2014..... The HOUSE was in session 135 days.  The SENATE  was in session 136 days.  Now the AVERAGE AMERICAN WORKER worked approximately 242 days in 2014.  Based on a 5-day workweek, subtracting the holidays and allowing for a 2-week vacation, this is about the average.  The salary for each lawmaker is $174,000 per year. .. + expenses... + an allowance of $944,671 so they can hire "EXTRA HELP." (Speaker of the House makes $223,000; Pres. Pro Temp, majority and minority leaders-- $193,400 ) Based on the average salary, and the hours worked.... WE ARE PAYING THESE PEOPLE $1288.89 A DAY! MR.MS. AVERAGE AMERICAN earns an average of $51,000 a year.   (Many salaries are below that, and many are below poverty level.  It's the 6-figure incomes that make the average that high.) Broken down on a 40-hr week , it'...
Merry Christmas!!! Yes, MERRY CHRISTMAS! In my house, in my family, and in all my friends' families, it is CHRISTMAS!!  


For God's sake-- STAY CLOSED ON THANKSGIVING!!! Those who work retail know what the Christmas shopping days are like.  BLACK FRIDAY is called that not just because of the one day. It's the kick-off for the next non-stop days until Christmas Eve. for RETAIL WORKERS it's exhausting!! It's a nightmare!! From the DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING UNTIL CHRISTMAS EVE the STORES are PACKED WITH FRENZIED SHOPPERS. RETAIL WORKERS Have no time to shop for themselves. Get no rest. Have to keep a smile on the faces, and Have to remain pleasant. While continuously dealing with HORDES OF SHOPPERS Who are demanding In a hurry Rude Loud Pushy Irritable This year it is for 27 days. SO....................RETAILERS AND RETAIL BOSSES...............GIVE THEM THAT ONE DAY!! ONE DAY TO BE WITH THEIR FAMILIES....... ONE DAY TO BE RESTED............. ONE DAY FOR ANTICIPATION OF THE MONTH AHEAD........ THAT ONE DAY  CAN MAKE A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE IN THE WORKERS' ...

Everyone needs to watch this video!!!

Please go to You-Tube and watch this video.  This says it all.  Please VOTE DEMOCRATIC!! Republicans do not have your best interests at heart!! And that's what I think...................


By now everyone in the country has heard about Rick Scott's (Florida Governor) tantrum over Charlie Crist (Democratic candidate for Florida Governorship) having a fan under his podium.  Rick Scott demanded a rule that there be no fans on the stage during their debate last night. Charlie Crist broke the rule, and put a fan under his podium.  So..... WHY THE RULE??? First of all, Charlie Crist ALWAYS has a fan going. Rick Scott knows this.  Was Rick Scott's rule -- NO FANS ON THE STAGE --to make Charlie Crist as uncomfortable as possible? Or was it because his bald head would get cold? My money is on the latter. Rick Scott wanted Charlie Crist to be uncomfortable.  Some say that the issue made both of the candidates look bad. Well, I DON'T THINK SO!!!   What is wrong with having a fan for comfort? I have one going all the time. Should I check with Rick Scott to see if that's okay? NO FANS is a STUPID RULE.  RICK SCOTT LOOKED LIKE AN IDI...


Can you believe this? Shouldn't we at least get what we pay for? These idiots with 6-FIGURE INCOMES have posted their work schedule from now until November. UNBELIEVABLE!!  And the time they are in session, the word NOTHING ACCOMPLISHED comes to mind. But OH, WAIT! They are spending the time (and OUR MONEY ) to come up with IMPEACHMENT PROCEEDINGS . If you ask me, (and of course, you don't) every damn one of them should be impeached. And that's what I think...............

Melissa McCarthy in Tammy

So the producers were disappointed by  the box office receipts when the movie "Tammy" opened. Well, maybe--just maybe I know why. Melissa McCarthy is just too over the top. When she first appeared on TV in "Mike & Molly" she was wonderful. She was a teacher in the series, a responsible adult, and subtly funny.  THEN THINGS CHANGED.......... Her character became shiftless and irresponsible, and to me, not very funny. Her actions in the series are a lot more like slapstick comedy than the comedy that a reasonably intelligent adult enjoys. Personally, I outgrew the Three Stooges years and years ago. From seeing the clips on "Tammy"  I am seeing the same type of silly, used up , slapstick comedy.  Melissa McCarthy is a wonderful comedic actress. Why can't the producers and directors see that? Please go back to giving her roles that have some meat to them. And save the silly, sloppy, knock-down slapstick for those who can't ...

You Know You're a Pittsburgher if.....

You've been crying this week.  Yes, Chuck Noll --one of the most beloved coaches in Football--passed away this week.  One of my neighbors saw my tears and asked why I was crying. I told him, "Chuck Noll died."  He said, "Oh yeah, I heard that. He was the P i t t s b u r g h coach for awhile, right?"  My answer: "Yes." "Why are you crying? Did you know him?" Well...did I know him? Yes and no. I never met the man so I didn't know him personally. But I'm a Pittsburgher and he coached the Pittsburgh S t e e le r s . We're family. We don't have to be related to be family. We're part of the S t e e l e r s Nation. We wear Black & Gold , and we all bleed Black & Gold .  So YES, I knew him--knew him and loved him--just like the rest of the S t e e l e r s Nation.  He led the S t e e l e r s D y n a s t y and brought home FOUR Superbowl trophies.  Chuck Noll will always be remembered and loved b...

I Spoke Too Soon

A couple of weeks ago I stated that I was sick of hearing about Benghazi , and why the hell don't they move on to something else?  Well.....they did. And now I'm sick of the Bowe Bergdahl story.  QUESTION:  Why was it okay for President Reagan to trade 1500 missiles to Iran in exchange for the release of prisoners but not okay for President Obama to exchange 5 prisoners (men) for one of ours?  Gee....that's a tough one, isn't it?  Now, a little side bar here: What constitutes a terrorist? Someone who makes threats and then acts on his threats? Like threatening to shut down the government and then doing so? (Just asking.) I'm beginning to wonder if there is a special room in the Capitol Building set aside for GOP Arts & Crafts. A room where they carry out the ART of MAKING MOUNTAINS OUT OF MOLE HILLS.   (We could call that the 3M project .) And in that room, CREATIVE STORY-TELLING is developed and sent to Fox-News for analysis....

Don Sterling

The idiocy of this man is only surpassed by the stupidity of Cliven Bundy. But let's just go all the way back to the core of his idiocy.  His gold-digging girlfriend. It doesn't matter whether she is half white, half black, half Asian, half Hispanic, or half anything else. SHE IS HALF HIS AGE, AT THE VERY LEAST!!!!! Mr. Sterling: if you believe that little gold-digger likes you for you, you are pathetic.That's where your trouble starts. Right there! You're 80 years old! What makes you think YOU should be associating with a girl that young?  And so what if she posed for a picture with Magic Johnson? Who wouldn't? I would love to have a picture with him. And you object to her bringing Black people to Clipper games? Mr. Sterling, have you been to any basketball games? Most of the players are African American. Their families, many of whom are Black, attend these games to watch them play. There are Black people in the stands!  They're called FANS!   FANS WHO...

Cliven Bundy

Cliven Bundy? OH. MY. GOD!!!  What is with this guy? First of all, he's grazing his animals on land that does not belong to him. It doesn't matter whose land it is - -it's not his!  Then he says he does not recognize the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Well, from whom did he steal that stars and stripes flag? I don't think that is the State of Bundy flag!! So why would he wave the flag of a government he does not believe exists? Isn't that sort of like hanging his Christmas stocking? But aside from all that...................... He decides to share his insight and knowledge on  " THE NEGRO."                                                                   WHAT??????  Well....saying anything more about this would be dignifying his statements way more than they deserve.  But I do believe...

Audi A6 Commercial

It's time to give recognition to a great commercial. I love this commercial!  The teenage boy is going to a dance, and his father tosses him the keys to his Audi A6. Well, with that toss comes confidence and daring! He pulls up and parks in the spot reserved for the principal, and then walks in and grabs onto his dream girl and lays one on her.  He gets punched by the girl's boyfriend, but the next scene shows him driving home sporting a black eye and the best s**t-eating grin I have ever seen. The girl who has been properly kissed is in a daze, but she looks oh so happy!  Underdog wins!! Great commercial, Audi!! There should be more like this one. And that's what I think.

America's Outhouse

Need I say more? And that's what I think..............

GLEE. Funny? I think NOT!

In a society where we are trying to eradicate bullying, how can anyone enjoy watching "Glee" ? I have always enjoyed watching the talented Glee Club Members sing and dance, but lately I cannot 'stomach' the show. Jane Lynch's character, Sue Sylvester is just way beyond acceptable. Not only does she bully the students but she also bullies the faculty . This is not in the least bit amusing. She is vicious! Is that the message we are supposed to receive here? Bullying is funny? And then to make matters worse, Becky the little girl with Down Syndrome is almost just as bad. She's rude, disrespectful, and just downright mean.  If this show continues, the writers had better come up with a better script with more pleasing characters. If this is the best they can do, well.....I won't be tuning in any more. Cruelty is not funny .  Disrespect is not funny .  Name calling is not funny .  Insulting others is not funny .  Rudeness is not funn...

Integrity? NOT!

I'm getting truly disgusted with some of these commercials. Two struck a nerve last night. Little Halo Oranges The little kid in the commercial catches his dad picking up one of his Halo Oranges and immediately adopts a posture of accusation. Dad asks if it's okay if he has one of the kid's Halos and the kid comes back with a smart mouthed response.  How selfish can that little brat be? He has a whole box of them!  Not to mention that he probably didn't pay for them--his dad probably bought them.  But how about how disrespectful to the man the kid is? If I ever used that tone or used that smart mouth, I would have no mouth to speak with today. So....The company that markets Little Halo Oranges is condoning DISRESPECT  and SELFISHNESS . Chevy Tahoe This ad shows a girl being driven home after she finishes babysitting. The mother of the children pulls out her wallet to pay this young girl, and clarifies that it's $40. Now that's a whole lot of mon...

Two-and-a-half Men

Oh boy! What some people think is funny is so far beyond my reasoning! Two-and-a-half Men First, when Charlie Sheen was on this show, I couldn't enjoy it because of Charlie's character and how he viewed women. I thought it was disgraceful. But NOW?   Alan Harper, who used to be the decent respectful one has gone way, way over to the other side. I finally just flipped the channel because I just couldn't watch any more.  So now...Alan is a freeloader , living off of a person who is not related to free of charge...and yet still tries to get more than has already been extended to him. SO   NOT FUNNY! But to make his character even worse, he has suddenly become a "Charlie-plus." His attitude and behavior toward women is worse than Charlie's character!  He's CRUDE.  He's DISGUSTING.   He's OBNOXIOUS.   Who likes this stuff? There is nothing funny, enjoyable, or appealing about a man who mooches off of someone, tries to ta...

Congress Retirement

Okay.....everybody I talk to, every single person I know and some I have never met, all complain that members of Congress do not have to pay into Social Security and get to retire at full pay, get secret service protection, and medical care coverage.  Not one person likes it. Not even one person thinks it is fair. Every person wants it changed. SO WHY IS IT NOT CHANGED? I have filed petitions, gotten signatures, written to the governmental bodies, and yet this changes nothing. Now....anybody who thinks that these people in Washington are working for us-- WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, is sadly mistaken.  This is the reason why Social Security and Medicare are so often attacked by Congress. It's because IT DOESN'T AFFECT THEM! These politicians say they work for us? TELL THEM TO CHANGE THIS!!! They won't, because THEY DO NOT WORK FOR THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES!!!! They work for themselves and the big businesses in whose pockets they lie in. ...


Justin , when you first started out you were a good-looking, talented kid who any mother would be proud to call her son. WHAT HAPPENED? You are still good-looking and talented, but your mother has to be highly embarrassed by your behavior. You went from being a great kid to an obnoxious punk. Maybe your fans think your antics are cute, but just remember--they grow up just as you should have.  When your fans move on to someone who is more sophisticated and mature, you will be left behind and eventually you will have nothing. GROW UP, KID! You have a responsibility to your fans, your mother, and the general public as well.  Egging your neighbor's house? How childish is that?  Underage drinking? How illegal is that?  Drugs? How irresponsible is that? Drag racing? How dangerous is that?  You do realize that there are other innocent people on the road, don't you? People whose lives you are putting in jeopardy. It's time to straighten up and f...

Old Spice

Has anyone seen the latest Old Spice commercials? Oh My GOD!!  For those who haven't seen them, they show a boy's mother following him around and singing about how her son is misbehaving by kissing girls, and acting like a man; claiming that it's the fault of Old Spice .  The commercials are straight from the memoirs of Oedipus ' mother. Talk about sickening! Excuse me while I puke!  Whatever happened to good taste in advertising? These foul, disgusting commercials need to be removed from the sight of the television viewing audience. Whoever thought this ad campaign up needs to be fired. On a better note:   Geico --don't ever let go of whoever is in charge of your advertising. Every one of your ads are just terrific. I laughed all night and I still laugh when I remember the one about "the oldest trick in the book." That is hilarious. Keep it up, Geico Advertising department. .......AND THAT'S WHAT I THINK.....................


I have not been able to access this blog is weeks. Months! I don't know why, but I hope that whatever the problem was, it's gone now. So.....hello again! Lets' get right to it. Legalized Marijuana: Yea or Nay?  I say YEA! Now please keep in mind that I have never smoked a joint--ever. It just has never been my thing. Personally it does not appeal to me. But I think it should be legal to sell, buy, and use. As a rule, alcohol doesn't appeal to me either, and it's legal already. Now marijuana either appeals to you or it doesn't. Just because it's made legal, trust me, I am not going to suddenly develop a desire for it and run out to buy it. I don't think anyone else will either. There are many good reasons for legalizing marijuana , but here are my main reasons. 1. Government revenue. Not just a sales tax, either. Growers should purchase a license to grow it. No license, no growing. That should be the law. Anyone caught growing without a license...