This year, our elected officials, once again, outdid themselves in lack of performance. For the year 2014..... The HOUSE was in session 135 days. The SENATE was in session 136 days. Now the AVERAGE AMERICAN WORKER worked approximately 242 days in 2014. Based on a 5-day workweek, subtracting the holidays and allowing for a 2-week vacation, this is about the average. The salary for each lawmaker is $174,000 per year. .. + expenses... + an allowance of $944,671 so they can hire "EXTRA HELP." (Speaker of the House makes $223,000; Pres. Pro Temp, majority and minority leaders-- $193,400 ) Based on the average salary, and the hours worked.... WE ARE PAYING THESE PEOPLE $1288.89 A DAY! MR.MS. AVERAGE AMERICAN earns an average of $51,000 a year. (Many salaries are below that, and many are below poverty level. It's the 6-figure incomes that make the average that high.) Broken down on a 40-hr week , it'...