
Showing posts from 2016

Okay. I'm venting

I've had it! I thought the vicious and hateful behavior would stop after the election.  But it hasn't!! FOUL-MOUTHED, NAME-CALLING TRUMPETEERS are still verbally attacking people online--on Facebook, and Twitter.  Is this what Donald Trump Created? A nation of foul-mouthed, vicious, hateful followers who are so willing to verbally, and physically, attack anyone who is not a fan of his? Do we not have freedom of speech any more? Do we not have a right to our own opinions?  Make America great again? How? By breeding a massive group of thugs? And if that isn't bad enough, he's filling all his job positions with nasty, hateful critters. Evil thugs with money!  I love this country. I really do! But the United States is becoming a cruel, dangerous place for anyone who believes in justice and equality for all.  I swear that Donald Trump is Adolph Hitler, reincarnated, and his followers are all reincarnates of the 3rd Reich. Funny how they all are st...


THIS IS GETTING WAY OUT OF CONTROL!!! Never has a political campaign in the United States been this radical. Just think about the campaigns over the past few years: Mitt Romney and John McCain both ran on the Republican ticket. They had campaign rallies, debates, and gave speeches but never once did they threaten their opponent and neither did their followers.  It's bad enough that Donald Trump threatened Hillary Clinton with prosecution and jail, but the people who attend his rallies are threatening even worse. When I listened to the background voices and heard them saying "Hang her in the streets," I was appalled.  FOLKS, THIS IS NOT DEMOCRACY!!!! THIS IS IRRATIONAL DICTATORSHIP CULTIVATED BY DONALD TRUMP!! THIS IS NOT AMERICA!!!!! Now Trumpeteers are calling for repealing the 19th Amendment! The Amendment that gives the women the right to vote. WHY? Because Trump told them he would win if only men voted. IS THIS WHAT WE WANT FOR OUR COUNTRY? A MAN WH...

Second Presidential Debate

Was anybody as sickened as I was? Infuriated? Disgusted? What the HELL was that? People who weren't negatively affected by Donald Trump's performance Sunday night needs to seriously reevaluate themselves. What a foul, crude, and vicious performance!! Donald Trump got caught "with his hands in the cookie jar" and was out for blood because of it. The way he lurked behind Hillary's back when she was speaking and then loomed over her when he was speaking was damn  predatory and threatening behavior . Mr. Trump was caught saying some really raw, nasty things about women, and openly bragged on tape that he sexually assa ulted a woman. In normal Trump fashion, he began attacking Bill Clinton as a cover-up for his own crudeness. BUT HERE ARE THREE IMPORTANT FACTS: 1. Bill didn't go around bragging about his behavior. 2. It is not Bill running for president. If he's going to bring Bill's infidelity into play again Hillary, should Hillary bring...

Something Nice...for a change

My attention was drawn to this website today. This site offers good deals for events and entertainment in Florida. As everyone knows. many of the attractions in Florida can be very expensive. Check out the site to see if you can save on you next Florida adventure! This is really good for people to save a lot of $$ on hotels.  It is real. It is legit. It is now.  1.  and Priceline partner network have SMASHED the cost on hotel rates worldwide. 2.Why,how? Since  has a private members area, Priceline has partnered with  to offer  TRULY Cheaper Hotel Rates © 3.South Beach hotels like Fontainebleau and Edin Roc  and much more  are available for  REAL SAVINGS.   4.Proof: fD1GSoZ8hCs    Comparing  vs Trivago. REALLY  AMAZING !    You should check it out! ...


WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? That's it. That's the question.  Trump has been caught in lie after lie, yet you still support him. His latest lie--Hillary Clinton started the controversy about Obama's birth certificate.  Now if you have half a brain, you must remember that it was he, Donald trump, who started that. Everybody knows that! Yet you nitwits and halfwits look around and then stare at the ground and say, "Yeah, Hillary. It was Hillary."  Any lie Trump tells--which is any time he opens his mouth--IS NEVER QUESTIONED BY HIS SUPPORTERS. There is something seriously wrong with any human being who does not listen to Trump and question the validity of what he says.  Just because he is brazen enough to call people names and insult them, does not make him honest. It makes him rude and crude.  And if any of his followers think he is going to follow through with anything he says, think again.  CHECK OUT ALL OF HIS FAILED BUSINESS VENTURE...

GOP Gangsters

This is serious. The Republican Party is going to great lengths trying to keep Hillary Clinton from the Presidency.  They are DESPERATE . AND DESPERATE PEOPLE RESORT TO DESPERATE MEANS. This includes NASTY ATTACK ADS, LIES, AND BREAKING THE LAW.  Why are they so DESPERATE ?  It can't be for the good of the country. They would rather have that REPUBLICAN BUFFOON in  the WHITE HOUSE rather than what is good for our nation as a whole.  Do they think they can control him? NO!! THEY CANNOT! AND THEY WON'T . He will follow his own agenda and destroy this country.  But the GOP doesn't care. They just want total control of Washington . AND THEY WILL ACT LIKE GANGSTERS TO GET IT. SAD . VERY SAD . WE ONCE HAD A GREAT NATION, BUT IT IS ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED. AND THAT'S WHAT I THINK..............

To Newt Gingrich...

Hello, Mr. Gingrich! I just saw your statement where you were once again slamming our President of the United States. All I can say is that I'm very glad Donald Trump didn't pick you for VP since you obviously have no respect for the highest office in the country.  But let's address your thoughts on guns versus trucks. You slammed President Obama for wanting some sort of gun control, by making a statement that Obama should ban trucks, because there are too many trucks (KILLING PEOPLE,I PRESUME?).  Trucks kill people? NO. People driving them do.  Guns kill people? NO. Only malicious, crazy people carrying them do. But in The interest of your love for guns....swell, let's just arm everybody with a gun! When a baby is born, let the Godparents gift the beautiful newborn with his own gun--Godparent's choice, of course. Every baby deserves his own Glock. .357-Magnums make great graduation gifts--don't you agree? Especially when the kids graduate from middle ...

2nd Amendment

Quite frankly, I am getting sick of this whole guns versus no guns crap. I have nothing against guns. They can be useful, necessary, and fun--depending on how they are used. The 2nd Amendment clearly reads:    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Right? So what kinds of Arms are we talking about here? If the 2nd Amendment gives us the right to bear ARMS , the only ARMS that were available back then were MUSKETS,  and of course, bows and arrows. So I suggest this: In keeping with the 2nd Amendment, let the people have all the MUSKETS they want, because that's what the Amendment protects. MUSKET BEARING. AK-47's are not included in the 2nd Amendment. They weren't invented yet. And what about Nuclear Weapons ? They are referred to as ARMS . They weren't invented way back then either.  I mean, seriously....if an  Amendment is to inclu...

So Many Things!

I have not posted in a while because, quite frankly, I don't know what to attack first. There are so many things, (issues, if you will), that need to be addressed. Now I love this country, and I can't stand seeing it tainted. So let's just touch on a few. DONALD TRUMP ...............God help us! Aside from his bigoted name-calling and insults...Well, that crap is just childish. But the important part is this:  1. When he is confronted with something he has said, he--a. Denies it,                                                                                              b. changes his story , or                                          ...

Days Congress Worked in 2015

DOES THIS MAKE ANYONE ELSE ANGRY? IN THE YEAR 2015: HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                                     SENATE Worked 154 days                                                                Worked 164 days. AVERAGE AMERICAN WORKED 239 DAYS . AVERAGE SALARY FOR CONGRESS: $140,000 AVERAGE SALARY FOR THE AMERICAN WORKERS: $51,000 These are averages.  Some Congressional figures make more and some make less.  And we all are aware that many, many people make a lot less than $51,000, and a lot make more than that. But for this purpose, we'll go with these figures.  Based on the 239 work days, (holidays and 2 weeks vacation not included), the AVERAGE AMERICAN earns $213.39 a workday b...


And apparently, I'm not alone in feeling this way. Even his own daughter won't let him touch her! Has anyone else noticed that? So if Donald Trump doesn't get the nomination, will it be handed to Cruz?  Both candidates scare me.  TRUMP because he is I MPULSIVE and I swear he has ADHD . CRUZ because he is SLIMY and he doesn't care about WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT . He will change things to the way HE WANTS THEM .  NOW FOR THE SCARY PART Republican voters will vote for either one of these two candidates for only ONE REASON .  BECAUSE THEY ARE REPUBLICAN! AND THAT IS DOWNRIGHT FRIGHTENING! And that's what I think...........

Best Candidate

With all the hype created by the Candidates trying to get the nomination for President, there is only one candidate who is QUIETLY QUALIFIED .  I say this because he makes the least noise, yet he has proven himself in his own state.  JOHN KASICH Taking a look at the other candidates: DONALD TRUMP : This man very loudly claims that he will make America great again. when asked about the issues, he is very vague in his answers, but very clear when he shoots out an insult toward another candidate.   HE IS BIGOTED AND CHILDISH.   NOPE. NOT QUALIFIED . TED CRUZ :  This clown-faced idiot will set the country back by 50 years. All the rights given to women, other minorities, including the LBGT community will be swept away, and we will be back in the 1960's again. ELECTING HIM WOULD BE A MISTAKE. MARCO RUBIO: He is dangerous. Have you noticed how he looks down his nose at people? This man has publicly stated that he wants to slash Social Security a...


Okay...I don't care whether you float toward the Republican party or the Democratic party, you need to pay attention to this.  Already, the Republicans control the Senate and the House , and they are hoping to get a Republican elected as President .  But they are also trying to keep another Democrat from becoming a Chief Justice.  THINK ABOUT THIS.  If the Republican Party has control of every Branch of the Government, they will have complete control over the entire country!!!! AND THAT IS NOT WHAT WAS INTENDED WHEN THIS GOVERNMENT WAS DEVELOPED!!!!!! THAT IS NOT A DEMOCRACY!  The Party will then be able to pass whatever laws They want, make decisions that benefit them, and basically run the country as they see fit.   IS THIS GOOD? NO!!! The Republican Party does not have the best interests OF THE PEOPLE at heart. The Party is not interested in working FOR THE PEOPLE . They are interested, however, in giving BIG BUSINESS tax breaks * and ot...

Why I haven't added anything lately

It's quite simple. There are so many annoying things going on in the world, and I was having a hard time deciding what annoyed me the most.  Fact is: They all have annoyed me equally.  Until this happened. And yet again...there are no words.... Sarah Palin endorsing Donald Trump is like the Joker being endorsed by the Riddler . And that's what I think..............