You Know You're a Pittsburgher if.....
You've been crying this week. Yes, Chuck Noll --one of the most beloved coaches in Football--passed away this week. One of my neighbors saw my tears and asked why I was crying. I told him, "Chuck Noll died." He said, "Oh yeah, I heard that. He was the P i t t s b u r g h coach for awhile, right?" My answer: "Yes." "Why are you crying? Did you know him?" Well...did I know him? Yes and no. I never met the man so I didn't know him personally. But I'm a Pittsburgher and he coached the Pittsburgh S t e e le r s . We're family. We don't have to be related to be family. We're part of the S t e e l e r s Nation. We wear Black & Gold , and we all bleed Black & Gold . So YES, I knew him--knew him and loved him--just like the rest of the S t e e l e r s Nation. He led the S t e e l e r s D y n a s t y and brought home FOUR Superbowl trophies. Chuck Noll will always be remembered and loved b...