
Showing posts from June, 2014

You Know You're a Pittsburgher if.....

You've been crying this week.  Yes, Chuck Noll --one of the most beloved coaches in Football--passed away this week.  One of my neighbors saw my tears and asked why I was crying. I told him, "Chuck Noll died."  He said, "Oh yeah, I heard that. He was the P i t t s b u r g h coach for awhile, right?"  My answer: "Yes." "Why are you crying? Did you know him?" Well...did I know him? Yes and no. I never met the man so I didn't know him personally. But I'm a Pittsburgher and he coached the Pittsburgh S t e e le r s . We're family. We don't have to be related to be family. We're part of the S t e e l e r s Nation. We wear Black & Gold , and we all bleed Black & Gold .  So YES, I knew him--knew him and loved him--just like the rest of the S t e e l e r s Nation.  He led the S t e e l e r s D y n a s t y and brought home FOUR Superbowl trophies.  Chuck Noll will always be remembered and loved b...

I Spoke Too Soon

A couple of weeks ago I stated that I was sick of hearing about Benghazi , and why the hell don't they move on to something else?  Well.....they did. And now I'm sick of the Bowe Bergdahl story.  QUESTION:  Why was it okay for President Reagan to trade 1500 missiles to Iran in exchange for the release of prisoners but not okay for President Obama to exchange 5 prisoners (men) for one of ours?  Gee....that's a tough one, isn't it?  Now, a little side bar here: What constitutes a terrorist? Someone who makes threats and then acts on his threats? Like threatening to shut down the government and then doing so? (Just asking.) I'm beginning to wonder if there is a special room in the Capitol Building set aside for GOP Arts & Crafts. A room where they carry out the ART of MAKING MOUNTAINS OUT OF MOLE HILLS.   (We could call that the 3M project .) And in that room, CREATIVE STORY-TELLING is developed and sent to Fox-News for analysis....