
Showing posts from August, 2015

The Donald and The Koch Brothers

  What makes Donald Trump so popular? Well, here is why: #1 reason: DONALD TRUMP says what he thinks, and everyone knows that. OTHER CANDIDATES say what they think you want to hear.  #2 reason: DONALD TRUMP is his own man. He is not in anybody's pocket. And that is refreshing.  BUT HERE ARE SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT All the REPUBLICAN CANDIDATES hint at cutting SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE. The KOCH BROTHERS plan on DONATING a MASSIVE AMOUNT OF MONEY to the GOP CAMPAIGN. So who do you think would have a big say in how the government is run? Koch Industries employs approximately 60,000 employees in the United States. An employer is required to match its employee's FICA contribution taken out of every paycheck.  HOW MUCH MONEY WOULD KOCH INDUSTRIES SAVE IF THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO MATCH THAT CONTRIBUTION? DO YOU THINK THE KOCH BROTHERS WOULD LIKE TO SEE THAT SAVINGS? YOU BET THEY WOULD! I fear that if a REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE g...