Oh, do we need it!! Folks, as it stands we are about to lose our government as it was intended. I ask you quite simply: If you heard that the head of an Organized Crime Family planned on giving a candidate $1 Billion for his campaign, what would you think? You would think he was trying to buy the candidate. Right? So why are you so complacent about the Koch Brothers ' plan to donate that much to the Republican Party ? What exactly do you think is behind that? Simply this: The Koch Brothers are trying to buy the election . And, what's more...if a Republican wins the election, the Koch Brothers will be running this country . You think not? Think Again! Now here is my idea for future campaigns. Believe me, the candidates won't like this, but I believe it's a better way to get decent people in office, rather than the scamming, bullshitting , lying, greedy, self-serving, do-nothings we have today. it is: Simply put. No more ...