
Showing posts from March, 2015


So the GOP wants to change Medicare as we know it. I believe this was originally that B*st*rd Paul Ryan's idea.  So...You GOP members like VOUCHERS ?  Okay. So let's go with them. Senators and Representatives: Let's change your salaries to $51,500 a year.  And then.............Issue  **VOUCHERS for lunches at a cafeteria. **VOUCHERS for Car Rentals. **VOUCHERS for Gasoline. **VOUCHERS for a Clothing Allowance. (Gotta look good!) **VOUCHERS for Hotel Rentals. **VOUCHERS for Medical Coverage. **VOUCHERS for Office Supplies. **VOUCHERS for Correspondence and Stamps. **VOUCHERS for Miscellaneous Expenses. And HEY!! Let's be fair and even the playing field even more!!   NO RETIREMENT AT FULL PAY!!  *** Since you want to tamper with what we citizens paid into for years and years and years... LET'S HAVE YOU START PAYING INTO IT TOO!!!! AND When you retire, you can apply for SOCIAL SECURITY and MEDICARE !!  Just like u...