GOP Gangsters
This is serious. The Republican Party is going to great lengths trying to keep Hillary Clinton from the Presidency. They are DESPERATE . AND DESPERATE PEOPLE RESORT TO DESPERATE MEANS. This includes NASTY ATTACK ADS, LIES, AND BREAKING THE LAW. Why are they so DESPERATE ? It can't be for the good of the country. They would rather have that REPUBLICAN BUFFOON in the WHITE HOUSE rather than what is good for our nation as a whole. Do they think they can control him? NO!! THEY CANNOT! AND THEY WON'T . He will follow his own agenda and destroy this country. But the GOP doesn't care. They just want total control of Washington . AND THEY WILL ACT LIKE GANGSTERS TO GET IT. SAD . VERY SAD . WE ONCE HAD A GREAT NATION, BUT IT IS ABOUT TO BE DESTROYED. AND THAT'S WHAT I THINK..............